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Acceptable Competency – Ethical Professional Practice


Activity One


In my internship, I coordinate University Conduct Committee preparation meetings with the complainant and respondent participating in a university formal hearing.  Despite their violation, I provide both the complainant and respondent equal preparation and resources for their formal hearing.  This can be challenging in cases regarding alleged sexual misconduct or egregious situations.  This is so both students have an equitable chance to share their perspective to the committee about what happened.  This practice is an example of my “own personal code of ethics for student affairs practice, which reflects the ethical statement of professional student affairs associations and their foundational ethical principles [i.e. ASCA]” (ACPA & NASPA, 2010, p. 12).


Activity Two


For the past two years, I have served as a facilitator for the Good Decision Making Seminar.  In this seminar, I “assist students in ethical decision-making” and “address and resolve lapses in ethical behavior among students” (ACPA & NASPA, 2010, p. 12).  I do this by requesting students to reflect on the incident and behaviors that led them to their conduct violation as well as to brainstorm better solutions to improve their past decisions.  I also provide them with examples and strategies for how to make better ethical decisions in the future.

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